martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Best dog houses

Hello everyone again!
This is our first English post in 2014. Christmas is over and with it also the
posts about Christmas décor.
We are moving on, and today we want to share a post about pets. We love pets
so once in a while we always bring something related to them.
Pet owners loves their pets (including myself) and of course we want to give them
the best of all. We buy tones of toys, the nicest bed, the cutest blanket and sometimes
we give them delicious and kinda unhealthy food, or even we cook for them.
But I am sure there is one thing, than none of us can give to our pets... A mini replica
of our own house.
There are some famous people such as Paris Hilton who could not deny something
like this for her pets, so she constructed one which counts with 28 square meters
for their joy. It has two floors, one for the living room and another one for the
bedrooms, a terrace, a garden and they can enjoy their own air conditioner.
Of course something like this is not cheap, and the house is worth $325000.

Other replicas

Hope you liked the post, and don´t forget to visit us on our shop online
See you soon!

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